Friday, February 17, 2012


Conceptualizing and producing garments for a catwalk show is a high pressure endeavor, but with the creative talent in our office combined with great partners such as artist Aaron Rose, designer Nazak Nowtash, innovators Lumi Inks, and most importantly, the great team at Hasbro, we were able to design and make 15 looks within a short time period. The hours were long...But the rewards were great! Here, Junk Food Art House invites you to see some of the behind the scenes process at our Los Angeles office...

To see video of the print process go HERE!

Initial ideas board showing our looks in order

Tears and sketches of our looks

The screens ready to be printed

Printing at the front of our office in Los Angeles 80 degree heat!

Using Lumi's specially crafted ink-o-dye's for printing with

Aaron Rose comparing swatches & creative director Mike Palermo printing
Left out in the sun, the colored ink appears on the shirt

Hand painting elements

Aaron and Mike printing

Finishing touches by Aaron Rose
Garments left out to develop in the L.A. sunshine

Next stage - intense hand embellishments

Washington "helping"

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1 comment:

  1. Everthing looks great!! Good work team! :)
